Please note that this is the help section for the former Newsletter2Go software.

How Do I Export a List of Contacts?

You can easily download the data of active and inactive contacts from your contact lists. Select (all) your contacts by email address by ticking the box next to Email. As soon as at least one email address is selected, a small gear icon will appear. Click on the icon and select Export as CSV.

After downloading the CSV file, you can reformat it into an Excel file, if you like.

First open an empty worksheet in Excel. Under the tab Data, you'll see a grouping for Get External Data. Click From Text, which will allow you to convert a csv. Chose the file to import and set the type to Text Files (*.prn; *.txt; *.csv.)


A text import wizard will now appear. In the first step, make sure that the Original Data Type is set to Delimited, and that the File Origin is set to 65001 : Unicode (UTF-8).

In the second text import step, choose Comma as the Delimiter and select Finish.

Now you have a quick overview of all the personal data of your contacts, including their email addresses, names and any additional attributes you have set. 


Finally, you can save your data as an Excel file by selecting "Save as" and choosing Excel file.