Why Do I Need to Register With My Company Details if I Only Want to Use the Free Version of Newsletter2Go?
Regardless of the type of account they are using, we require all users to submit company details, including address, website and, if necessary, business license details. Once you've submited company details, we personally go in and check the legitimacy of each account. We do this because certain international spam laws require that we have this information on file about our users. We also do this to prevent misuse of our software, i.e., spam, and protect the high delivery rate our users have come to expect from us.
Even if you just want to use the Lite Plan, you still have to provide us with company details. It can take up to two business hours (CET) to verify your account information during weekdays. As you wait for your account to be verified, you can familiarize yourself with the software and start planning your first campaign.